Existing Tokens
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Once we have successfully deployed our Token on the blockchain, we can access our Token Management Menus (Figure 1) by typing /Tokens and selecting our "TICKER". (Deployed Tokens will have a emoji beside their TICKER.)
Here we will be presented with the following menus for our convenience:
Go Live - This will enableTrading on your token allowing it to be bought and sold on the market. This will only show for launches where Instant Launch was not selected and the token is not already trading. Once you have called this function, the button will not appear on future menus.
Verify Contract - This will verify your contract code through Etherscan. This can be useful if you want to call functions directly from the contract, or if you have social links within the code that you wish to have displayed. Verification also allows automatic audit software to read your contract and confirm its security promoting the safety to your users. Please keep in mind, you must call Go Live from the bot, otherwise if you enableTrading directly from the contract your bundle will not send.
Limits Settings – Change the Limits that are imposed on the Swaps for your contract, Disable All Limits, Holding Limits, and Swap Limits. These CANNOT be changed once your Renounce Ownership of your contract. We highly recommend removing limits before Renouncing Ownership.
Fees Settings – Change the Fees that are taken on Swap transactions and the Threshold that your Tax will be sold. Fees can only be reduced from their original settings to prevent post-launch rug pulls on our platform.
Ownership Settings – All functions that are related to the Ownership of the contract, choose to either Renounce the Contract or Transfer Ownership. Warning: Once your contract is Renounced many functions will become unavailable, therefore please ensure that you have made all necessary changes before renouncing your contract.
Safety Functions – If any funds are stuck in the contract, Transfer Stuck ETH/BNB and Transfer Stuck Tokens are available through this menu. These can be used even if you have Renounced Ownership of the Contract.
Liquidity Management - Lock, Burn, Add, or Remove Liquidity from this menu. Users have the choice to use Unicrypt or TeamFinance for their Locked Liquidity.