🎯Bundled Wallets Setup
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After creating your Launch, if we type /Tokens, click on the relevant token TICKER, and select "Manage Wallets", we will then be presented with the Launch Management Menu (Figure 1).
From here we select "Manage Wallets" and are shown the Bundled Wallet Management Menu (Figure 2). In this menu we are able to Create Wallet(s), Import Wallet(s), Delete Wallet(s), Send Ether/BNB, Request a Disperse List, Empty All Wallets, and Refresh Wallets. If we have already created Bundled Wallets during the initial launch creation, they will appear in the main text box and are labelled numerically with copyable addresses in the Bundle List.
After Bundled Wallets have been created, the Bundled Wallet Management Menu will display the Estimated Funds required for each Sniper to be bundled successfully. We calculate these numbers based on the current average GWEI on the Ethereum Network + Average Current Bribe Price + 0.015 ETH (BNB Chain is Est Funds + 0.002 BNB, BASE is Est Funds + 0.0001 ETH). The extra funding is to accommodate any sudden fluctuations in gas prices on the Networks and to decrease the likelihood that you will need to add more funds to your Bundled Wallets in the future.
Create Wallet(s) - This will create new wallet addresses to be used as Bundled Wallets in your bundle. If you create multiple wallets, the Private Keys will be exported to you in .txt file format and saved in your Telegram Downloads folder. Please remember to save this file and the associated Private Keys in a safe location as we cannot retrieve the information after creation. After creation, the new Bundled Wallets can be found at the bottom of your Bundle List found within the text box.
Import Wallet(s) - This allows the user to add any wallet(s) to Wagyu to be used as Bundled Wallets in your bundle transaction through importing their Private Keys. This can include any presale members or influencers that you have allocated a slot in the launch. Please keep in mind that this will still follow the original Bundled Wallet Parameters set out in your launch creation.
Delete Wallet(s) - This will remove the selected Bundled Wallet from the Bundle List. This does not delete the wallet entirely as you can still reimport the wallet so long as you have the Private Key.
Send Ether/BNB - This allows us to send ETH/BNB from any Bundled Wallet to any address that we designate. Select the Bundled Wallet from which you want to send, set the Receiver to your target address, and the Amount to the ETH/BNB you are wanting to send. Then click "Send".
Wallet Disperse List - This will generate a .txt file containing all of the Bundled Wallet Addresses and their required values in a format that can be directly imported to a disperse service. Even if you are not planning on using a disperse service for funding your wallets, this will provide an easy to reference and copy list for funding your Bundled Wallets.
Empty All Wallets - This will give you the option to drain all of your Bundled Wallet's ETH to a single address. This is helpful if you have adjusted the amount of wallets that you are planning to use for your launch, or you have created a new launch and no longer plan to launch with the current Bundled Wallets.
Refresh Wallets - This should be used when you adjust the Min Buy, Max Buy, Total Supply, LP ETH, LP Supply, etc. As all of these variables affect the values required for your Bundled Wallets, we highly recommend refreshing the values displayed for your Bundled Wallets after adjusting any of the above.
Wagyu Bundle Launches will never proceed unless all of your Bundled Wallets are able to buy the token. In the event that your launch displays an error, it is highly likely that one or more of your Bundled Wallets do not have enough funds and are causing the launch to abort. Please double check the estimated funds and ensure each wallet has enough ETH to cover both the purchase and transaction gas.