Creating a New Launch
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Now, once we have verified that we are on the correct network we can proceed to Create our First Launch. To begin we can type /Start to open the Welcome Menu (Figure 1).
From here we will select "Create Token" to begin the process of creating our first Launch.
Before we can begin, we must select the type of contract that we wish to create through the Launch Type Selection Menu (Figure 2). Currently, Wagyu offers contract options for both Native Contracts and Custom Contracts. This section of the guide is intended for all Wagyu launches that are using Native Contracts and therefore we will select "Setup Wizard" to continue.
If you wish to explore our Custom Contract launch options please see:
This will bring us to the Token Creation Main Menu (Figure 3) of your Token Creation process. This is the hub for all options when creating your token and you can use it to quickly navigate to any settings you wish to change. To begin we will start with the our function settings by clicking "Optional Features".
At any point in the Token Creation Process you may return to the Main Menu by clicking the "Main Menu" button at the bottom of each section.
We will now be presented with the Optional Features Menu (Figure 4). These are Optional Features that you can enable within your launch that alter the way that your token will be deployed. Your selections in this menu will determine whether your deployment is Delayed or Instant. If you would like to learn more about each feature please see the drop-down menus below.
Once we are satisfied with our choices please click "Next" to proceed.
Optional Launch Features:
If your launch is using the "Instant Launch" feature, it will require that "Auto LP" is enabled.
We will now be shown the Launch Parameters Menu (Figure 5). Here you will be able to set all of the general information about your token including: Token Name, Symbol, Supply, Max Swap, Max Wallet, and Blacklist Capability.
When ready select "Next" to proceed.
Max Swap - This is the largest single swap that will be allowed on your token while limits are in place. This can be beneficial for tokens that launch with low starting liquidity and wish to prevent snipers, bots, and users from accumulating too much of the token in its early stages. Note: Users can still create multiple transactions to buy more of the token.
Max Wallet - This is the maximum number of tokens that a single wallet can hold. Similar to Max Swap this is aimed at preventing a single user from accumulating too much of the token in its early stages. Note: Users can still transfer tokens out of the wallet in order to buy more.
Blacklist Capability - This is a toggle. It will add the Blacklist function to your contract so that you can ban selected wallets from interacting with your token. Please Note: Contract Scanners will return a flag when they detect the Blacklist function, as such we recommend keeping this disabled unless it is required.
Max Swap, Max Wallet, and Blacklist Capability are not required for your launch.
We are now on the Token Distribution Menu (Figure 6). On this menu, we may set the distribution of our tokens between the Liquidity and Contract. LP Supply and Contract Funds are able to be set using a percent (%) of the Total Supply and all remaining tokens that are not designated to these locations will be left in the Deployer on launch. LP ETH/LP BNB is the amount of Ethereum/BNB that will be deposited into the Liquidity Pool to match the LP Supply you have selected.
Anti-Drain is automatically Enabled for all launches. We HIGHLY recommend that any launches with Tax Fees or Contract Funds utilize the Anti-Drain feature to avoid being unintentionally unclogged.
Please double check that you have the correct allocations and then click "Next" to proceed.
Contract Funds - These are tokens that will be automatically deposited into the Contract's Tax Pool. These tokens will then be sold at a rate that is equal to the designated threshold (that we will set up later) until the Contract Address is empty of the native token. Some developers refer to this process as Contract Clogging.
Anti-Drain - This is a function that will prevent your contract tokens from being drained by a malicious "Unclog Bot". These bots aim to empty your pre-loaded/tax funded contract tokens in a single transaction so that they can get a better buy-in for their purchases. Anti-Drain ensures that your tax is only triggered on sufficiently large sells, ensuring that Unclog Bots are unable to drain your contract funds and tax.
We will now find ourselves on the Token Fee Menu (Figure 7). From here we may set the destination wallet for our Tax Revenue. By default, the Fee Wallet is set as your Deployer and does not need to be changed, it is only an option for teams that wish to have a different Marketing Wallet. You may also set the Buy, Sell, and Liquidity Fees through this menu.
None of these features are required for the launch of your token and when you are ready select "Next" to proceed.
Liquidity Fee - This fee will automatically contribute a portion of the Tax Revenue towards bolstering the Liquidity Pool. This is very beneficial for establishing new floors and providing liquidity to all of your token holders.
Swap Threshold - This is the amount of tokens required before your contract will realize tax fees. The threshold is in relation to the Total Supply. ie. 0.10% threshold on a Total Supply of 1,000,000 will sell the tokens held in the contract when the contract address holds 1,000. A lower threshold will sell more often, but in smaller amounts. It is recommended that team's monitor your contract's tax accumulation and adjust the threshold accordingly.
When shown in scanners and/or requested information by other services the following is the definition of your contract's fees:
Total Buy Fee = Buy Fee + Liquidity Fee Total Sell Fee = Sell Fee + Liquidity Fee
We are now shown the Deployer Menu (Figure 8). From here, you are able to either Create a new Deployer or Import an already existing wallet address to be used as the Deployer.
Create - When creating a wallet you will be shown the Deployer Creation Menu shown in Figure 9. Please save the Private Key as we cannot retrieve the key in the event that you require it. This is for the safety and security of our users.
Import - When importing a wallet you will be asked to input the Private Key of the intended wallet. This will allow you to manage your ETH and Token Holdings directly from Wagyu and is required to enable launches.
Once you have setup your Deployer, select "Next" to continue with your launch.
The Deployer Address is able to be changed after you have created your launch.
We will now be shown the Bundled Wallet Menu (Figure 10). This menu will allow us to set the Buy Range of our Bundled Wallets and Create/Import wallets to be used in the bundle.
To continue, please click the "Bundled Wallets {0}" button. We can now choose to either Create fresh addresses or Import existing addresses to be used as Bundled Wallets as seen in the Bundled Wallet Management Menu (Figure 11).
If we selected "Create Wallet(s)", we will be shown the Multi-Wallet Creation Menu (Figure 12) where we can create between one (1) and forty (40) new wallet addresses. Once we have input the amount that we wish to create click "Generate". You will then be shown a message containing a .txt file with the Bundled Wallet's Addresses and Private Keys enclosed, please SAVE THIS FILE as we cannot retrieve the information for you at a later time.
Once your Bundled Wallets have been successfully created, your Bundled Wallet Management Menu (Figure 13) should now look similar to the image above. In the event, that you do not have any Bundled Wallet information in the text box, please attempt to Create/Import the wallets again.
Min/Max Buy - This is the Buy Range for your Bundled Wallets. Each Bundled Wallet will randomly buy an amount of tokens within this range. Min Buy must be smaller than Max Buy. If you have set a Max Swap or Max Wallet earlier in the creation process, the spread will have a default spread of 10% (Min Buy will be 90% of the Max Swap/Wallet and Max Buy will be 100%).
Create/Import/Delete Bundled Wallet - Within the Bundled Wallet Management Menu (Figure 11) these buttons allow you to edit the Bundled Wallets that are connected with your launch. Please remember to save all Private Keys of wallets you create. Any wallets that are deleted are not able to be retrieved on our end, so please ensure that all funds have been transferred out of the wallet and/or you have saved the Private Key for later use.
Amount - Create up to 100 Bundled Wallets at a time (40 max on ETH, 39 max on BNB, and 100 max on BASE). Once you have selected the amount of Bundled Wallets that you wish to create (Figure 12), Wagyu will provide you with a .txt file containing all Addresses and Private Keys for the snipers.
Bundled Wallets and the Buy Range are able to be edited post-creation of your launch.
Please click "Next" to continue with your launch setup.
We are then redirected to the Socials Menu (Figure 14). This menu is entirely optional and all text is included in your contract code. This means that once these values have been set and the contract is minted they cannot be changed. Suggestions such as Website, Twitter, and Telegram are included as a guide for what is typically included in the contract code to help your holders verify the correct social outlets for your token. All other information you wish to be included can be entered into the Custom section of this menu.
Ensure the links to your socials are correct and then select "Back" to return to the Main Menu.
All Social Links are optional and all text can be edited before Deployment. Once the token is Live, these values cannot be changed.
We should now have returned to the Token Creation Main Menu (Figure 15). From here we can navigate to any of the previous menus to ensure that our settings are correct for our intended launch. If you have finished setup and are satisfied with your settings please select "Create" to save your Launch.
Congratulations, you have now successfully setup your first launch with Wagyu! If you are satisfied with all of the settings above, and have already funded all of your Bundled Wallets and Deployer you may type /Tokens and select your new token's Ticker and click "Deploy Token" to immediately deploy your token to the blockchain. If you still need help with funding your wallets please continue with our guide.
We wish you and your team good luck! If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to our email or any members of the team on Telegram.
If you wish to change any of these settings after the creation of your Launch, please type /Tokens and select your "TICKER". You will then be able to select any settings that you wish to modify, so long as it has not already been deployed.