Please keep in mind that Wagyu Custom Contracts is still in Beta.
Though we have tested the Custom Contract functionality with many different contracts that are popular today, there may be unique functions found within your contract that prevents our services from interacting properly. We HIGHLY RECOMMEND running a live test launch prior to your real deployment to ensure that all functions are compatible.
Please ensure that you are on the correct network before beginning your Custom Contract Launch Creation. For more information on how to change your Network Selection, please see the following page:
Now, once we have verified that we are on the correct network we can proceed to Create our First Launch with a Custom Contract. To begin we can type /Launcher or click on "Launcher" from the Welcome Menu. Both options will bring us to the Launcher Main Menu shown in Figure 1.
From here we will select "Create Launch" as it is our first time using the Wagyu Launcher.
We are now shown the Launch Type Menu (Figure 2). As we plan to use a Custom Contract with the Wagyu Launcher, we will select the Custom Contract option.
If you do not require a Custom Contract and would like to try a launch with our Native Contracts click "Setup Wizard" and please see: Launcher
We are now presented with the Contract Upload Menu (Figure 3). Here, we will upload the .sol solidity file of our Contract Code. This menu will only accept a file in the .sol format. Please ensure that your contract is in this form and not .txt or other similar file types.
If your contract code is currently in text format you can convert this to a .sol file by using "Save as...", selecting "all files", and adding .sol to the end of the file.
Once your menu looks like Figure 4, please click "Next" to proceed.
Once we have successfully uploaded our Custom Contract, we will need to indicate the Enable Function or similar within the Trading Function Menu (Figure 5). Please ensure this is spelt EXACTLY as it is in your contract (ex. enableTrade() ), with relevant capitals and punctuation, as this will be the function that is associated with the launch of your Bundled Snipers.
Once you have properly indicated your Enable Function, press "Next" to continue.
@TheWagyuBot will enforce that the selected function exists on your contract, but it will not detect if it is the correct function. If you require assistance please reach out to our team and we will be glad to help!
Now we may choose to toggle the inclusion of Bundled Snipers in the Launch Features Menu (Figure 6). These snipers will be tied to the Enable Function that you defined previously, so please be sure that you have indicated the correct function before your token begins trading.
Click "Next" to continue.
We are now on the Token Distribution Menu (Figure 7). On this menu, we may set the intended amount of tokens and ETH/BNB to be distributed to the Liquidity Pool (LP) in our launch. The default setting is 100% of your Total Supply and 1 ETH/BNB being added to the LP, if you wish to change this click on the parameter you wish to change and enter a value in the indicated range.
Please keep in mind, using a Custom Contract means that you are sending this value to the LP yourself (or from your contract), please be sure that this is the value you intend to use as it determines the values required for your Bundled Snipers.
Select "Next" to continue with your Launch Setup.
If you change these values, you must ensure that the Bundled Sniper Values have been updated, otherwise you risk your snipers either not being included (Base) or your launch continually failing (ETH/BNB).
Please contact support if you are worried that the values are not correct.
LP Supply - This is the amount of Token Supply that will be allocated directly to the Liquidity Pool on your token's Deployment. The default value is 100% of your Total Supply. If you wish to change this value click on "LP Supply" and enter a value between 0 and 100, indicative of the percentage of Total Supply you would like to dedicate to the Liquidity.
LP ETH/BNB - This is the amount of ETH/BNB that will be allocated directly to the Liquidity Pool on your token's Deployment. The default value is 1 ETH/BNB. If you wish to change this value click on "LP ETH/BNB" and enter the value you wish to add .
We are now shown the Deployer Menu (Figure 8). From here, you are able to either Create a new Deployer or Import an already existing wallet address to be used as the Deployer.
Once you have setup your Deployer, select "Create" to finalize your launch, or "Next" if you have Bundled Sniping enabled.
Create - When creating a wallet you will be shown the Deployer Creation Menu shown in Figure 8. Please save the Private Key as we cannot retrieve the key in the event that you require it. This is for the safety and security of our users.
Import - When importing a wallet you will be asked to input the Private Key of the intended wallet. This will allow you to manage your ETH/BNB and Token Holdings directly from Wagyu and is required to enable launches.
The Deployer Address is able to be changed after you have created your launch, prior to Deployment.
If we have selected the option to include Bundled Snipers, we will now be shown the Sniper Menu (Figure 9). This menu will allow us to set the Buy Range of our snipers and Create/Import wallets to be used in the bundle. To access the Sniper Creation Menu (Figure 10) select "Snipers".
Min/Max Buy - This is the Buy Range for your snipers. Each sniper will randomly buy an amount of tokens within this range. Min Buy must be smaller than Max Buy. Please ensure you are aware of any Wallet Size limits within your contract before setting the Buy Range. Bundled Snipers are still susceptible to hard-coded limits within your Custom Contract.
Create/Import/Delete Sniper - Within the Sniper Creation Menu these buttons allow you to edit the Bundled Snipers that are connected with your launch. Please remember to save all Private Keys of wallets you create (Figure 11). Any wallets that are deleted are non-retrievable on our end, so please ensure that all funds have been transferred out of the wallet and/or you have saved the Private Key for later use.
Amount - Create up to 100 Sniper Wallets at a time (40 max on ETH, 39 max on BNB, and 100 max on BASE). Once you have selected the amount of snipers that you wish to create (Figure 11), Wagyu will provide you with a .txt file containing all Addresses and Private Keys for the snipers.
Once your Snipers have been successfully created, your Sniper Menu will now allow you to Create/Import/Delete Snipers. In the event, that you do not have any sniper information displayed in the text box of this menu, please attempt to Create/Import the wallets again.
Bundled Snipers and the Buy Range are able to be edited post-creation of your launch, prior to Deployment.
Select "Create" to save your Launch.
For a guide to funding your Bundled Snipers, please see the following page:
Please keep in mind that if you change your6. Token Distribution after the Initial Creation, your Bundled Sniper Values that are required for a successful launch will change. You MUST ensure that you adjust your Bundled Sniper funding appropriately before you attempt to begin trading, otherwise you run the risk of a Launch Failure.
As Custom Contracts are not subject to any Tax Fees, all launches will be charged a 0.5 ETH (3 BNB) Flat Fee on Deployment. This is not only to make up for our missing Tax Fees, but also due to the fact that Custom Contracts will require significantly more time from our team to monitor and ensure your launch goes according to plan.
Congratulations, you have now successfully setup your first launch with Wagyu! If you are satisfied with all of the settings above, you may type /Launcher and select "Launch Token" to immediately deploy your token to the blockchain.
We wish you and your team good luck! If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to our email or any members of the team on Telegram.
If you wish to change any of these settings after the creation of your Launch, please type /Launcher and select "Manage Launch". You will then be able to select the token that you wish to modify, so long as it has not been deployed.
Custom Contracts will still be subject to Bundled Sniper Fees as can be found here: