➡️Safety Functions
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This menu will handle all troubleshooting functions that are available for your contract and related funds. You will be able to Transfer Stuck ETH/BNB and Transfer Stuck Tokens from your contract to the Deployer through the Safety Settings Menu (Figure 1).
Transfer Stuck ETH/BNB - This will extract any ETH/BNB that is stuck in your contract. This can occur when a user sends to the contract instead of the liquidity pool.
Transfer Stuck Tokens - This will extract any tokens that are stuck in your contract, be that either the native token or any other tokens such as USDC, USDT, etc. This is primarily used when your token tax has been turned off, but your contract still holds some tokens. It can also be called when a user accidentally sends tokens to the contract instead of the liquidity pool.
These functions are able to be called regardless of the ownership of the contract. However, this means that they will only ever deposit the stuck ETH/BNB or Tokens into the Deployer to prevent abuse.