This menu pertains to the management of your Token post-Deployment.
Enable Trading
This will Begin Trading of your token. Once this function is called your token will be trading live on the blockchain and this cannot be reverted. This function can only be called once you have Added Liquidity and provided the Appropriate Funding to all of your Bundle Wallets.
Verify Contract
This will Verify your Contract's Code on blockscanners such as Etherscan. This is an important step for external resources to be able to verify the security of your contract. Using this function will have Wagyu automatically complete the verification process for your Token. In the event that verification fails, please try again and if the issue still persists contact the Wagyu Support Team.
Contract Functions
This will open the Contract Functions Menus which allow users to Manage their Token and alter any Modifiable Parameters of the contract.
Liquidity Management
This will open the Liquidity Management Menu. If you have yet to create the Liquidity Pool, the only option displayed will be Add Liquidity.
Add Liquidity
During creation of your token you set a Token Allocation and ETH Allocation to be used in the Liquidity Pool. If your Liquidity Pool has not been initialized (ie. no Auto LP enabled), Wagyu will automatically attempt to add the required Tokens and ETH from your Deployer Address' balances. Please do not change these values as you will adjust the Liquidity Pool changing the requirements for your Bundle Wallets.
If you have Already Created the Liquidity Pool, this option will allow you to add a compatible ratio of Tokens and ETH to your Liquidity Pool post-deployment and post-launch. These values will be debited from your Deployer Address.
Remove Liquidity
This will allow you to designate a Percentage of Liquidity to be Removed from the Liquidity Pool. Default values shown on the menu include: 25%/50%/75%/100%. If you wish to remove a different value please enter a number from 0-100.
Lock Liquidity
This will allow you to Lock a Percentage of the Liquidity with an associated Token Locking Service, in this case TeamFinance or Unicrypt.
This the Percentage of the Liquidity that you wish to Lock for the specified amount of time. It is common for tokens to Lock 100% of their Liquidity for a minimum of 1 year in order to demonstrate trust and provide their holders with security.
This is the Date that your Liquidity Lock will Expire. The Start Date of your Liquidity Lock is when you call the Lock Liquidity function on this menu, with the End Date being the value set here. Locked Liquidity is unable to be retrieved before the specified date, please keep this in mind when you are setting this value.
Burn Liquidity
This will Burn the Liquidity making it impossible to claim. Please keep in mind this is IRREVERSIBLE and once it has been confirmed it is permanent. The Burn Address used by @TheWagyuBot is 0x0...0dEaD.
Manage Wallets
This will open the Manage Wallets menu.
Manage Deployer
This will open the Manage Deployer menu.
Last updated