Bundled Wallets
Setup your Bundled Wallets and prepare them for Launch.
Bundled Wallets {0}
This will display the amount of Bundled Wallets that you have associated with your launch {0}. When clicked, it will open the menu to set the Amount of Bundled Wallets that you wish to use in your Bundled Launch. See more under: Bundled Wallets Internal Menus
Min Buy (%)
This is the Minimum amount of tokens that your Bundled Wallets can buy.
Max Buy (%)
This is the Maximum amount of tokens that your Bundled Wallets can buy.
When purchasing tokens, your Bundled Wallets will select a random percentage between your Min Buy and Max Buy. Each wallet will choose a different value in the specified range. If you wish to have a more consistent bundle choose close values such as Min 1.99% / Max 2.00%, but if you would like a more varied bundle you can expand the range to something akin to Min 1.50% / Max 2.00%.
Please ensure that all wallets have the appropriate amount of ETH, otherwise your Launch will Fail. If your launch fails, it will not send or cost you ETH, but could delay your launch.
Bundled Wallets Internal Menus
Create Wallet(s)
Amount (#)
This is the Number of Bundled Wallets that you wish to Create for your bundle. For example, if you specify a value of 20, when you press Generate, Wagyu will create 20 fresh Bundled Wallets for your launch. Once you have generated these wallets, Wagyu will also provide you with a .txt file that contains all of their private information. PLEASE SAVE THIS FILE as it is unable to be retrieved once you click Save.
This will Create and Add the specified number of Bundled Wallets to your Launch.
Import Wallet(s)
Upload the Private Keys of any wallets that you wish to import into your launch. The order in which they are imported is the order by which they will purchase tokens in the bundle. You can upload Private Keys one-by-one or in the following format: pvtky1, pvtky2, pvtky3...
Delete Wallet(s)
This will only be available once you have Created or Imported at least one wallet. This will Delete a wallet address that you specify from your bundle.
Please keep in mind: Ethereum (ETH) Bundled Launches have a maximum of 40 Bundled Wallets and Base (ETH) Bundled Launches have a maximum of 100 Bundled Wallets as requirements of their networks.
Last updated