🟡Fee Options

Select the Fee structure that best fits your Launch. This can be paid prior to Deployment with a wallet of your choosing or directly from the Deployer.

  • 1 ETH - No Wallet(s)

    • Pay 1 ETH up-front to launch your token. No tokens will be allocated to the Wagyu team.

  • 0.2 ETH - 1 Wallet

    • Pay 0.2 ETH up-front and allocate a total of One(1) Max Wallet to the Wagyu team to launch your token.

  • 0.15 ETH - 2 Wallets

    • Pay 0.15 ETH up-front and allocate a total of Two(2) Max Wallets to the Wagyu team to launch your token.

Wagyu Wallet Allocations will be collected from a random selection of wallets included in your Bundle in reasonably small amounts. All Wallets will be unique to your launch and funded through private means.

Last updated