Liquidity Management
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This menu will handle all Liquidity functions and the management options that are available for your contract. You will be able to Add, Remove, Lock and/or Burn Liquidity within the Liquidity Management Menu (Figure 1).
Add Liquidity - This function enables teams to add ETH/BNB and Tokens to the Liquidity Pool post-launch. When selecting this option, designate the amount of ETH/BNB and Tokens you wish to deposit to the Liquidity Pool and ensure the funds are available in your Deployer. Reminder: Newly minted Liquidity will not be automatically locked/burned.
Remove Liquidity - This function enables teams to remove ETH/BNB and Tokens from the Liquidity Pool post-launch, assuming some or all of the pool is unlocked. When selecting this option, designate the amount of ETH/BNB and Tokens you wish to remove from the Liquidity Pool. If they are available they will be withdrawn to your Deployer.
Lock Liquidity - This function will present the user with the option to Lock their Liquidity with either Unicrypt or TeamFinance. Both services have slight differences in fees, with TeamFinance usually taking a lower percentage (%) of your supply for locking funds. All Liquidity Locks can be found publicly on the selected service's website for verification.
Burn Liquidity - This function allows the user to Burn a percentage of their token's Liquidity Tokens. After selecting this option, users will be required to designate the percentage (%) of the Liquidity Pool to burn and to then confirm the action. Please note: Burnt Liquidity CANNOT be retrieved and is a permanent action.