Funding the Wallets
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Now assuming that we have already setup our Launch, we must address the methods by which to fund our Deployer and Snipers. The Deployer Menu (Figure 1) comes equipped with an "Estimate Gas Cost" function to allow you to evaluate the expected funds required for Deployment. Whereas, the Bundled Wallets will have the gas costs automatically added into their required funding.
On Ethereum: We automatically add 0.015 ETH to each Bundled Wallet's estimated costs to account for Buy, Approval, Transfer and/or Sell gas fees as well as to create a buffer in the event that gas spikes between the time you loaded your Bundled Wallets and the time that you wish to deploy. These funds are only a buffer and will not be consumed if gas remains the same.
On BASE: We recommend following the bot's value for Estimated Gas Costs. Similar to Mainnet we add an additional 0.0001 ETH to each wallet's estimated costs to account for Buy, Approval, Transfer and/or Sell gas fees.
On Ethereum: We recommend adding the bot's Estimated Gas Cost + 0.20 ETH to ensure that the contract is deployed and initiated appropriately (This accounts for Deployment, LP Creation, and enableTrading). The additional ETH that we recommend is dependent on the Ethereum Networks congestion, as times with less transactions demand lower fees and the above value should only be seen as a guideline.
On BASE: We recommend adding the bot's Estimated Gas Cost + 0.01 ETH. It is highly likely that you will never use anywhere close to this value on BASE, but it is a buffer that ensures a smooth launch in the event of extreme circumstances.
If your Token does not have any Tax Fees you will also need to add an extra 0.01 ETH per % of Total Supply Bundled to the Deployer to satisfy our Deployment Fee (50% bundled means a flat fee of 0.50 ETH).
If the Deployer or ANY of the Snipers do not have the required funds to execute their respective duties, the Launch will fail to start. As we have an internal check before it goes live, this will not cost any failure gas, but it is good to keep in mind and should be the first requirement that you check in the event that your launch does not succeed.